How the Society Came lnto Being :- Its Inception

With India achieving independence, new priorities emerged in the role of state and government servants. Government came to mean service to people and an engine of their development. This required an expansion in the activities and structure of the government. And being the summer capital city of Bihar, Ranchi became an important seat of governmental expansion.

The government servants in various Departments and with different ranks were now being posted in increasing numbers. Soon the need for adequate housing facilities for the government servants posted in Ranchi was felt very acute. The government servants were facing difficulty in getting accommodation. Some senior civil servants of the undivided Bihar took concrete initiatives in the wake of the government servants’ hardships. This led to the creation of a housing society and the coming into existence of the Ashoknagar Colony in Ranchi.

A housing society was formed and registered under Bihar Cooperative Society Act 1935, bearing the number 20/R dated 21.03.1960. At the start its name was “Ranchi Govt. Employees Cooperative House Construction Society”.

Later, in 1964, the name was changed to ” Services Housing Cooperative Society Ltd., Ashoknagar Ranchi through the first amendment in its bye-laws. The main objective of the Society was to ride over the difficulty of Government Servants posted at Ranchi in having accomodation here……